The Umbrella Foundation Australia

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What a day....our first full day in Kathmandu - by David

We started with the Anzac Day Ceremony at the Australian Embassy where we met some dignitaries I was impressed with a group of high school kids from Canberra who had just come back from a school building project, the kids spoke about the totally humbling experience of travelling to Nepal and showed me some photos of the completed projects.
Charlie the UN logistics guy from Sydney told us the story of how he joined the UN. He wanted to work for them, called and applied unsuccessfully for jobs and ultimately just got on a plane to East Timor during the independence vote in 1999, he arrived there with a surf board in hand (but there is no surf at East Timor) coincidently the existing logistics guy had left 40 minutes beforehand ... 20 years later he is still with the UN. He has been in Nepal surveying and rebuilding houses after the 2015 earthquakes.

Back into the streets of Kathmandu shopping for a few last minute shopping items.
The sensory input with motor bikes rickshaws small Hyundai taxis going all over the place and dust everywhere was over the top, the relative quiet of the Hotel was great afterwards.
The traffic is something else. On the way to the Embassy at one point the traffic all swapped sides and we were driving on the right hand side of the street.
On foot we would walk across the road in front of vehicles like we’re locals, the horns beeping didn’t have the feeling they were in anger, more like “excuse me sir can I get past please” remarkably there appear to be no accidents.

Coffee Lunch and getting to know the rest of the team.
Lupi treats haggling like a contact sport, Gav snuck into another shop and bought something without her, I swear it pissed her off.
The locals stare at Gav with their mouths open just because he is the size of 3 of them and is an imposing (and loud) figure in the street.

Gav then took us to Fire and Ice Pizza Restaurant for dinner which was as good a pizza as I have had anywhere. Will went for a lay down and missed the pizza, we will have to come back after the trek.

Early night, bags repacked - we’re heading out at 3am in the morning and should arrive at Lukla Airport tomorrow mid-morning for the first day of the trek.

Fingers crossed