The Umbrella Foundation Australia

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It's a wrap!

Time has flown and the final two weeks in Nepal were occupied with our Australian visitors.  Christine, Bethwyn, Nicole, Michelle and Pete  all arrived 14th April, (new years day 2071) for their introduction to Umbrella and of course Nepal.  They were quickly introduced to Nepali time with a three hour wait at airport customs.

All except Pete being members of Rotary they were interested in visiting Umbrella, other NGO's, meeting fellow Rotarians and seeing some of this amazing country. The first few days were packed with a city tour, shopping in Thamel, playing with the Umbrella children and eating lots of great food at Fine Grains Bakery. 

Pete and Michelle left for The Tamang Heritage Trek on Thursday (17th) while us non trekkers visited Bhaktaphur, where the locals were celebrating the final day of new year.  We set off Saturday morning for 3 days in Chitwan where there were many adventures on Elephants, walking in the jungle, a jeep safari and rowing down the river in very small boats with alligators swimming beneath us.

Another 3 days in Pokhara relaxing, shopping and a small trek down the mountain, it was back to Kathmandu. Our last few days were spent with children, sharing a momo party and experiencing all the talent at the annual 'Umbrella's Got Talent' concert.

Thank you to all my Nepal and Umbrella family for once again sharing many good times.  Cannot wait to be back again soon but for now there is lots of work ahead to build our Australian Umbrella community and raise much needed funds for our programs in Nepal. 

Our Aussie travellers have arrived!

Michelle & Pete leaving for the Tamang Heritage Trek

Feeling vulnerable in a very small canoe
